Eight kinds of love, let her go ahead of the release-長角魚龍


Perhaps you expect love can be like fireworks; energy bursting out in the night, the breathtaking beauty of fireworks. However, love is not always are so gorgeous. It's a long process, it is always to be placed in the growth of reality, the reality is like the soil, there is fertile with barren, it was likely to fruition, bring you into marriage. So a woman must learn wise, should not be in love, what can not bear fruit of love, doomed doomed love. Let go of the release in advance.


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one, other than freelance


this simply can not be regarded feelings. The first choice partner for life is a prerequisite - the other is "free body." "Freelance" is to be free and your contacts, not married, not engaged, there is no fixed association objects, and others did not go to bed, single, only, and you meet people.


If you fall in love with the man and another woman earlier promised to break up; Or if he says he does not love the woman he loved you; or his original object accept your presence, they do not intend to break up But he wants with you for a while; Or if he just broke up, but may reunite ...... These are not freelance.


gender and married or object to people, no matter what the excuse,Eight kinds of love, let her go ahead of the release,Dior包包, the results are the same, you are doomed to heartbreak. Do not forget, you just accepted another person with leftover parts.


choice in your hands, the responsibility in your body, you have to choose the right person. If you have contacts an object, and you are one of the above mentioned eight feelings, find counseling, do not waste time, there is a better object waiting for you.


two, the other as the object of worship


young actress fell in love with the director, college professor in love, fall in love with the boss ...... secretary, fell in love with the object of worship, this feeling is difficult to maintain normal,Dior包包, because between the two can not be treated equally.


both men and women must be treated equally, I do not mean standing, but the attitude, not idolize each other. Will fall in love with the object of worship, usually self-confidence is low, they feel very bad.


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