Former editor of Vogue Australia edition book exposing shady fashion fashion fashion industry-炫食族海角七號                                                      
2013-07-08 11:43 Source: Tide Edit / Chen Yan Fei

article REVIEW : This is a version by former Australian Vogue editor Kirstie Clements wrote , fashion insider exposes another masterpiece . The book covers everything from blockbusters to interview the star , to fashion the most real darkness , revealed many unknown true fashion insider .

the second half of 2013 as the most anticipated fashion books one ,Coach 圍巾/披肩, "The Vogue Factor" finally stand on yesterday in the official sale of the Amazon .

most fashion followers may have been curious about why the bridge models have been able to maintain such a beautiful body , wearing a stunning 0 yards clothing . In "The Vogue Factor" in the book , Clements backbone model this topic again turn onto the countertop . About the model to lose weight,Coach 圍巾/披肩,Former editor of Vogue Australia edition book exposing shady fashion fashion fashion industry, diet, and anorexia is really a series of questions revealed . Behind the bright lights of large , has a dark chaos and stress. Among them, the book mentioned , a 12 -year-old young models in order to be able to wear their own clothes in the injector and starve ; several popular models in Australia in order to open up overseas markets and had to eat the paper towel to avoid hunger, and thus end up being fashionable the highest stage in Paris to accept.

KirstieClements this new book is definitely a major retaliation . As a former Australian version of the reason she was kicked out VogueAustralia after leaving the day after he signed a publishing contract , according to Vogue 25 years of experience to expose the dark unknown insider fashion circles . This masterpiece is not exactly out of the old club Vogue Australia merciless retaliation dismissal , only to experience only after the judgment.


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